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Direct Drive Motors

Conventional servomechanisms normally need some mechanical components to the power transmission, which do not only limit the achievement and reliability of these systems, but also the operating cost upward drive. Linear motors, Rotative Direct Drive motors will replace from there more, and more conventional transmission solutions. From the omission of gearboxes, belts or spindles a zero backlash system. The increased structural rigidity makes highly dynamic accelerations and a very exact positioning possible.

TBM™2G Torquer Brushless Motor

The TBM2G series is ready to perform with high torque in an extremely compact electromagnetics package while integrating advanced materials, windings and flexibility across a wide array of applications. 

Turn to these high-torque frameless brushless motors for key advantages including: 

  • High load carrying capacity 
  • Energy efficiency 
  • Faster movements 
  • Greater smoothness of motion 

At virtually all speeds and energy requirements, you’ll find more efficient frameless torque motor performance—all with significantly lower thermal rise. 


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